Access Bars Consciousness®

What is Access Bars®?

Access Bars is a technique that is part of the larger body of work known as Access Consciousness  founded by Gary Douglas in the early 1990s.

The 32 points on the head correlate to different areas of your life such as creativity, awareness, body, sexuality, joy, sadness, money, control, thoughts and beliefs and many more. 

A incredibly nurturing and relaxing process of  gently touching the 32 Access Bars points on the head  releasing  the electromagnetic charge of all  limiting, thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations that stop you from creating a life you love. 

A Bars® treatment is like resetting a computer, deleting old patterns of behaviour creating space for new ways of functioning and possibilities. It is a deeply relaxing, calming and nurturing treatment that leaves you feeling lighter and more joyful. Each access Bars session is intended to help individuals release limitations, beliefs, and thought patterns that may hold them back in various areas of their lives. Access Bar's proponents believe it can contribute to personal growth, improved mental clarity, increased creativity and overall well-being.

People who have experienced Access Bars sessions often report feeling more calm, more clear-minded, and less stressed after the session.

It's important to note that Access Bars and Access Consciousness are individual and experiences will vary for each person.  

What can a Bars® Session help you with?

  • Stress reduction

  • Greater mental clarity/well being

  • Emotional release

  • Improved sleep

  • Reduced anxiety and depression

  • Increased energy Levels

  • Enhanced creativity

  • Better relationships

What can you expect from a Bars session?

During a session of Bars all you have to do is lay down on your back fully clothed, and receive. You are free to chat to your practitioner or drift off in a world of your own. Some people fall a sleep, some have images come to them or see colours, some notice sensations in the body such as tingling or warmth. Each session is different though a sense of complete relaxation is most often reported.

There is no right or wrong way and the best way to find out what Access Bars is like for you is to try it for yourself!

At worst you will feel like you have just had a phenomenal massage. At best your whole life can change into something greater with total ease.

Treatment prices:

60 minute Access Bars session - £50

90 minutes Combined Treatment - (£70)
(30 minutes Facial reflexology and 60 minute Access Bars)